Ryuk Rakes in $150M in Ransom Payments
An examination of the malware gang’s payments reveals insights into its economic operations.
Read MoreAn examination of the malware gang’s payments reveals insights into its economic operations.
Read MoreThe relentless rise in COVID-19 cases is battering already frayed healthcare systems — and ransomware criminals are using the opportunity to strike.
Read MoreIn the past few months researchers have detected hundreds of attempted SystemBC deployments globally, as part of recent Ryuk and Egregor ransomware attacks.
Read MoreThreatpost breaks down the scariest stories of the week ended Oct. 30 haunting the security industry — including bugs that just won’t die.
Read MoreAmid an uptick in attacks on healthcare orgs, malware families, Kegtap, Singlemalt and Winekey are being used to deliver the Ryuk ransomware to already strained systems.
Read MoreHospitals in New York and Oregon were targeted on Tuesday by threat actors who crippled systems and forced ambulances with sick patients to be rerouted, in some cases.
Read MoreSopra Steria hit with cyber attack that reportedly encrypted parts of their network on Oct. 20 but has remained mostly mum on details.
Read MoreResearchers said the group was able to move from initial phish to full domain-wide encryption in just five hours.
Read MoreResearchers said the group was able to move from initial phish to full domain-wide encryption in just five hours.
Read MoreThe Ryuk ransomware is suspected to be the culprit.
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